FAQs about the “gold standard” in skin cancer treatment with Mohs Surgery

True to our name, we provide precision services for the skin. Precise treatment supports the best results. This approach also promotes comfort by keeping otherwise healthy tissue intact. A few services quite embody this approach, such as Mohs Micrographic Surgery. MMS is considered to be the “gold standard” in the treatment of certain skin cancers. Yet, not every dermatology center has the onsite expertise and capabilities to offer it. So, it is a true source of pride for Precision Skin & Body Institute to extend this highly sought-after treatment to our valued patients across the Davie, Florida area, courtesy of our Board-certified Mohs Surgeon, Dr. Jordan Rosen.

Why is it called Mohs surgery?

This treatment is named after the late pioneering surgeon who developed the technique: Dr. Frederic E. Mohs. MMS took form in the 1930s while Dr. Mohs worked at the University of Wisconsin.

What makes Mohs surgery different?

Traditionally, surgeries for skin cancer have involved removing both visible cancers as well as a small amount of healthy tissue at the same time. Mohs Micrographic Surgery offers a precise alternative to such standard procedures. According to the American College of Mohs Surgery, MMS also has a high potential cure rate of up to 99%.

How is it performed?

Generally, Dr. Rosen will remove one layer of cancer-containing skin at a time. He then views this small bit of tissue under the microscope. He continues to remove more tissues, examining them with microscopy, until there are no signs of remaining cancer cells. With this approach, he can verify that all malignant cells have been removed. This is what makes MMS so precise and supports its reputation as a gold-standard treatment—it only removes the cancerous tissues and ensures there are no cancer cells potentially left behind.

Is it right for every cancer?

No single procedure or service is right for every problem that it is designed to treat. Generally, MMS may be appropriate to successfully remove recurrent cancers (or those with a high risk of recurrence), as well as aggressive and/or large malignancies. It may also be the option for irregularly bordered or poorly defined cancers and cancers in visible, sensitive, and/or “functionally important” areas (such as near the eyes and on the nose, hands, and feet).

Where can I find out more?

For trusted and credible information on your treatment options, contact Precision Skin & Body Institute today. Our Davie, FL team is proud to offer advanced treatments that support healthy skin, a confidence-boosting appearance, and the best possible experience at every step in your journey to renewed health and well-being. Call us at (954) 998-0345 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Rosen.