For quite some time now, people have endlessly been in search of the best facial fillers on the market. And as a leading cosmetic, medical, and surgical dermatology center in Florida, we couldn’t be more proud to give you the good news…
The world of beauty is ever changing and there are new products consistently hitting the market. The business of looking forever young is now a billion-dollar industry, and we’re constantly inundated with options on how to look and feel our best. But at Precision Skin Institute, we pride ourselves on offering our clients what really works – safely.
Brand new to the skincare market are two dynamic new fillers, Refyne and Defyne, both of which come from Galderma, a global leader focused on medical skin solutions for skin health.
Known for their ability to obliterate the appearance of Nasiolabal Folds, or “laugh lines”, as they’re commonly known, both Refyne and Defyne are quickly gaining fame for their effective and natural results.
“Restylane® Refyne was approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds and Restylane® Defyne for the treatment of moderate to severe, deep facial wrinkles and folds. These scientifically-advanced gels are manufactured with XpresHAn Technology, creating gels that offer a range of flexibility and support for varied patient needs. Restylane® Refyne and Restylane® Defyne have been shown to maintain effectiveness for the treatment of laugh lines for up to 12 months.”
According to Precision Skin Institute co-founders, Dr. Lesley Clark-Loeser and Dr. Marianna Blyumin-Karasik, this new addition of fillers to their collection of cutting-edge skincare products is revolutionizing the way they’ve treated laugh lines for so long.
“We see Refyne and Defyne as being different from any other filler of its kind? They are line of ideal for the areas of the face that are associated with high animation – the mouth and cheeks. They have a very natural appearance because of their flexibility, smoothness. and amazingly conform to the skin, naturally.”
And a natural-looking skin boost is second to none when it comes to tackling age gracefully. When there are so many options out there to help battle the effects of gravity, environmental and hormonal stress, and age – it’s important to ensure you make choices for your skin that will give you the best results. And for the best results, Precision Skin Institute has you covered.
Visit us at PSI, a dermatology center in Davie – just minutes outside Fort Lauderdale – to for your cosmetic consultation and to learn more about these Naturally Looking Fillers.
Learn More About Restylane® Defyne And Refyne Here