EMTONE®: A breakthrough in treating the bumps and dimples of cellulite

Dimples are cute on faces but leave much to be desired on our bodies. Fortunately, Precision Skin Institute provides cellulite treatment that really delivers. When all the miracle creams and other products fail to live up to their promises or hype, EMTONE®is an energy-based therapy that achieves or restores that confidence-boosting smoothness once and for all.

Why can’t I just exercise off the cellulite?

Most women will develop cellulite. It doesn’t matter how thin or fit you may be. That’s because the root of cellulite is not mere weight gain, though it can contribute to new or worsening cellulite. As a “multi-factorial” condition, cellulite occurs because fibrous tissues pull the skin downward as the fat pushes upward. Due to this situation, the skin’s surface may appear uneven, and the characteristic peaks and valleys of cellulite may become a persistent feature of your skin. Effective treatments must address this process. And, since diet and exercise alone do not resolve the underlying cause of cellulite, women often become frustrated with a lack of improvement in the appearance of their dimples or orange peel texture. The same goes for the so-called miracle creams. Their formulations or ingredients are not designed to attack the underlying source of cellulite.

Why does EMTONE® work when other approaches don’t?

EMTONE® works on the tissues that are responsible for cellulite. It is the first and only treatment to target fat deposits and fibrous connective tissues with a combination of both thermal and mechanical energy. This blend of radiofrequency (RF) and targeted pressure energy produces a therapeutic effect that cannot be achieved with each technology on its own. Existing collagen fibers are tightened, and new collagen and elastin are produced to firm and smooth bumpy, uneven areas.

How is this energy delivered?

You simply kick back and relax! Special applicators are placed on targeted treatment sites. These areas include the thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and abdominal region. Most patients describe the sensation of treatment as similar to a hot stone massage with some intense mechanical vibrations. It is such a low-key, non-invasive procedure that you can get back to your day with no downtime. In fact, we encourage you to see your treatment as a relaxing break from your hectic and busy day.

What results should I expect?

No two patients are alike. But, generally, many of our patients undergo four weekly treatments of around 20 minutes each, depending on the size and number of areas to be treated. You may notice improvement in the appearance and texture of your skin in just one treatment session. The results only get better with time.

Is EMTONE® suitable for me?

Schedule a consultation at Precision Skin Institute to find out! Our team is led by board-certified providers, so you can trust that our treatment recommendations and plans will be designed with your utmost satisfaction, comfort, and safety at heart. Call (954) 998-0345 to speak with a member of our team in Davie, FL, today.