Cosmetic skincare treatments used to be something women shied away from discussing. These days, they’re as common place as a visit to the hair salon, as both self-care standards and efficacy of aesthetic treatments have increased.
As popular and public as these skincare procedures are, however, one thing stands the same: the desire to improve your skin’s appearance without looking enhanced, fake, or too “done”.
At Precision Skin Institute, we pride ourselves on providing natural-looking cosmetic results. Our goal is to ensure that after any procedure you undergo, you look refreshed versus artificial or done.
We aim for the kind of look that will spark questions like, “You look great, did you do something different?!”.
This kind of question means one thing – you’re looking rested and refreshed enough to make an impact, not enhanced enough to give away your secrets.
Our commitment to helping patients achieve a Precise Aesthetic Balance means creating a symmetry between beauty and science. Too often, we see cosmetic procedures so focused on a generic end-result that the patient ends up disappointed and wondering why they no longer look like themselves. We know it’s hard out there. Cosmetic procedures are popular, expensive, and risky. Everyone is afraid of pain, complications, or going down the unnatural slippery slope.
Our passion is to guide you and support you through your personal cosmetic journey so you feel comfortable and happy with an outcome that will leave you feeling as beautiful as you are happy.
How do we do this?
We focus on delivering a customized desired approach and develop an individualized plan for each patient. We start by understanding the patient’s perspective as well as their likes and dislikes. We provide educational tips and tools on how to improve or correct the skin issues they’ve visited us for and guide the patient towards making a decision about their cosmetic plan that works best for them.
By taking into account each patient’s desires, goals, unique skin type and history of cosmetic procedures, we are able to strategically design a plan – like a blueprint for your skin. The most important part of any blueprint is the foundation that has already been laid down to build upon, and that foundation is you!
When it comes to cosmetic enhancements or procedures of any kind, we abide by a strict “less is more” approach. Just like a chef cooking in the kitchen, we start by slowly and gradually building upon your beautiful foundation, as it is always easier to add than it is to take away. When the flawed cosmetic goal is to keep over-turning the clock backwards and over-amplifying, patients have a tendency to appear like caricatures of themselves, or more unrecognizable than refreshed – an unattractive and meaningless outcome. By following your individualized patient plan, we are able to slowly and steadily approach your ultimate cosmetic rejuvenation goal, achieving the best version of your beauty.
One of the most sincere forms of respect is listening to what someone has to say, and here at Precision Skin Institute, we hear you! Instead of telling you which direction to take when undergoing cosmetic skincare treatments, we listen to what you want to achieve and then begin our plan from there.
“As medical professionals, we treat many patients who have become somewhat frightened of the cosmetic enhancement process because they felt they weren’t being heard, and their needs weren’t being addressed. This experience should be a positive one, and that starts with open communication and honesty, like any great relationship.”
– Dr. Marianna Blyumin-Karasik and and Dr. Lesley Clark-Loeser
“We’re here to help you achieve that precise aesthetic balance we are so committed to – and together, we know we can do it!”
To take the next steps towards safely naturally enhancing your appearance with best-in-class cosmetic procedures, contact us today!